================================================================================ Registry Search + Replace (REGSRCH.EXE) v2.10 (C) 1995-1997 Steven J. Hoek Software Development ALL RIGHTS RESERVED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-13-96 v2.10 Registry Search + Replace (REGSRCH.EXE) is a Win32 utility which can be used to simplify maintenance of the Windows NT and Windows 95 registration databases (the "registry"). For more complete information on what this utility offers, how to use it, or about its author, see our support site on the internet's World Wide Web at address: http://www.iserv.net/~sjhswdev This site serves as the primary support contact for the program (in addition to e-mail). Here you will find a complete tutorial with screen shots and a Frequently Asked Question list. You will always be able to find the latest version of this and other SJHSWDev programs on this site. There are many new features in this version! Even though a year has passed since the release of v1.00, you'll see that RegSearch still has a bright future ahead of it as it gains more and more functionality in the area of registry maintenance. Many of the new features were the result of registered user suggestions! Some of the best new features include: -- New RegSearch Profiles (.RSP) allow the saving and restoration of search criteria. Profiles are associated with REGSRCH.EXE automatically, and can be set to AutoStart for complete automation of a search & replace operation. -- Ability to search for registry values as well as data (as in HIVE\Key\Value = Data) -- Remote registry search capability -- Integration with the Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 Start Menu Find submenu -- New user interface -- Improved speed and accuracy -- Full compatibility with Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0, and Windows NT 3.51. (best experienced under the new shell of Win95 and WinNT 4.0) Also new in this version is the switch from "donation-ware" to true shareware. If you find Registry Search + Replace a useful addition to your toolbox, you are encoraged to register it. Registered users receive free upgrades for the life of the program, active support, and a eager ear for enhancement suggestions. For details on how to register, please see the Registration page of the program's tabbed dialog. Note that an evaluation period of 25 uses of the program is imposed on unregistered users. Since you're reading these release notes, you have already successfully installed RegSearch using its new InstallShield setup program. If you are having trouble running REGSRCH.EXE because of the need for MFC42.DLL, MSVCRT.DLL, or MSVCIRT.DLL, you need to obtain these DLL's and put them in your Windows system directory. First, check your drives for these files in other directories (use Windows' file finder to make it easy). If you don't have them already, they can be downloaded from Compuserve's WINSHARE forum or from the Internet at this address: http://www.iserv.net/~sjhswdev/MSVCMFC.ZIP These DLL's will eventually be included with future versions of Windows (for example, Windows NT 4.0 includes them). In order to reduce the size of the RegSearch distribution archive, I decided to leave them out. I hope you find this utility as useful as I do! Thanks... Steve Hoek Steven J. Hoek Software Development CIS : 72674,326 Internet: shoek@ix.netcom.com http://www.iserv.net/~sjhswdev ===============================================================================